Rajni Jaidka Sethi, Director at Avighan A B steels Pvt Ltd sheds light on her trailblazing journey
Hailing her roots from the family of Mr Ashok Jaidka, a renowned industrialist based in Ludhiana, Rajni Jaidka Sethi is contributing indispensably towards the spurring success of Avighan A B steels Pvt Ltd.
“My father, my mother, Mrs Asha Jaidka and my husband, Mr Honey Sethi have always supported me through the thick and thin. I have been brought up in a very hardworking environment which has instilled in me deep-rooted ethics & values that always keep me going,” shared Rajni who is the mother of two adorable kids, Aishni (21) and Avighan (14).
What do you think helped you become an influential and successful Punjabi entrepreneur?
I staunchly believe that success is a by-product of hard work, discipline and determination. It is certainly my family’s unconditional support and almighty’s blessings that have helped me have an impact on the society.
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