Cover Story

Real Estate – a tough trade for women

Inheriting the entrepreneurial skills from her father, Rosy Singla is the first woman of the region to lead a real estate empire. Breaking all the stereotypes in this male-dominated industry, Rosy moves ahead in her profession with great determination and aspires to have a gender neutral work environment in near future. With her soft spoken nature and her charisma, she lends a fresh perspective in the industry. She talks to us about her inspiration and how she juggles between her personal and professional responsibilities.

Q.1  Moving on from managing the manufacturing units of your father to now Real estate, how different was your experience in the two sectors?

I was quite young when I started managing business for my father, in a learning phase. Real estate is a completely different arena, one in which I have administrative duties and a whole lot of responsibilities. Back then, the society and scenario were unlike anything our world is today. Those times and people were simpler whereas it’s a life or death race now almost everyday. My experience has been quite thrilling and rejuvenating , since I face challenges on a regular basis which keep me quick on my feet.

Q.2 What inspired you to join the Real estate industry?

Well I’ve always been an ambitious woman, there were no particular plans or preferences that led me to this industry, being from a business background I was able to understand the workings of this industry well and was quite taken by it. I really enjoy my day to day operations, so things kind of escalated and I came to love this field of work.

Q.3 What is your mantra to stay encouraged and motivated?

What motivates me the most is being able to contribute, give back to the society and people, having a purpose. I believe every human is born with a purpose, mine is to help people and grow with them. Meeting new people from all walks of life, generating employment in this great country, philanthropy are few of my encouraging factors. Providing my employees with better, raised standards of life is my greatest deterrent.

Q.4 Do you think it is more difficult for a woman in this industry than for a man? Why?

Of course, it is much harder for a woman to establish roots in this industry because it is essentially a male dominated field. Females are not widely accepted and have a tough time adjusting to the pressures of this business.

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