Health / Wellness

5 Emotions That can Make People Overeat

Avni Kaul, Nutritionist, Wellness Coach & Certified Diabetes Educator, Founder of Nutri Activania

Weight gain is a slow process, influenced by a number of factors and overeating is one of them. Sometimes one overeats because of emotional issues and eventually gains weight. You may notice that when feeling low or stressed out, you reach out to your comfort food. This is not because you are hungry, but due to your overwrought emotions. The things about emotional or comfort eating is that you crave fatty and sweet sugary stuff which you cannot prevent yourself from overeating. Here are 5 emotions that can make one overeat which can lead to weight gain.


Stress eating is something all of you are familiar with.  That instant urge to gulp some wafers or sweets in the middle of the day before a meeting or close to the deadline is a common phenomenon. It is hard not to cave into your cravings at that time. We live in a world where stress is a normal part of life and studies indicate that it can make you eat sweets and calorie-dense foods which happens due to the hormone cortisol. Consuming sugar and fat-filled foods inhibit stress-related brain activity, so we crave this food. The stress hormone is also accountable for collecting all the unused fatty acid and storing it in the belly area.


A typical lazy Sunday afternoon when you have finished your daily chores and have nothing specific to do is when you order something tasty and unhealthy. This is because when you are bored, you lose the power to make smart food choices and end up eating more unhealthy foods than you usually would.


Happiness and food often go hand in hand. After scoring well in an exam or successfully doing that presentation at work, we all think that we have earned a treat for ourselves and it does not feel wrong to indulge a little. It is like rewarding ourselves for achievement and hard work. In this overall process, people mostly end up eating unhealthy food which may be more in quantity than they normally do.

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