
Redefining Gender Equality 

by Mandeep Puri

“Gender equality,” a familiar refrain, lacks clarity as interpretations vary among modern intellectuals. While advocating for equal opportunities, defining the term remains elusive, exemplifying the ambiguity surrounding the concept.

‘Ladies First’ — counter logic, if there is equality, why should one be privileged over the other?

Women’s Reservation — doesn’t reservation make one a privileged class? How is the call for equality justified then?

Let me be a bit of a devil’s advocate in a broad sense. Gender equality means there shouldn’t be any discrimination among genders. Right? Then, should both men and women use the same washroom?

I beg your pardon for expressing these ridiculous ideas and logic. But then my point is different and I define ‘gender equality’ in a different way. I think many of you might agree with it. But before that, let me say that men and women can’t be equal. Why?

Simple. Nature has made men and women different from a physical point of view. Men are always stronger and larger than women. To be honest, physically, women can’t match men. Thus, men are physically superior. Does that mean that nature clearly defined women as inferior? I would say no. Because women can give birth whereas men can’t. Similarly, there are many things which men can do that women cannot, and vice versa. However, there are also some areas where both men and women perform equally.

So, where does this lead us? Do we conclude that men are superior to women in some aspects whereas women are superior to men in others, and there are some spaces where men and women are mostly equal?

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