A tribe of trained women in Kolkata are creating sanitary pads not just for a comfortable today, but a plastic-free, healthy and safe environment for everyone in the future.
By: Bhavya Gaind
With the aim to break taboos and address the environmental impact of sanitary waste, Noraa is creating superior eco-friendly and 100% organic sanitary pads for women. These pads are 100% biodegradable and are certified by FDA (The Food and Drug Administration), Otabu (Quality Certification), ISO (The International Organization for Standardization) and BIS as products that are safe and hygienic for women to use.
Ensuring Menstrual Hygiene
The journey of Noraa dates back to 2015, when Hemender Singh Hoon was working with a Kolkata based NGO and experiencing the challenges of rural areas, especially the absence of menstrual hygiene. “It came as a shocking fact to me that 80% of the women are unaware of the period hygiene and the issues like RTI, UTI caused by it. During our research in the urban sector, it came to our notice that usage of chemically processed sanitary napkins that are majorly available in the market is the reason most women undergo rashes and irritation during menstruation. However, due to the societal taboo and the shyness, these concerns were never brought forward and discussed openly. So, keeping in mind the kind of impact the plastic-based pads have on the environment and also the human body, we introduced Noraa,” shared Hoon.
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