Embarking on a journey from a modest family investment, Roohdaar India emerged as a beacon of transformative fashion in Punjab’s tri-city region. Fueled by a vision to democratize luxury, the brand challenges the notion that rentals are confined to financial constraints. With a focus on diversity and sustainability, Khushmeet, the man behind Roohdaar India talks to us about how they curate an exquisite collection of designer lehengas, intertwining cultures and offering a personalized touch through customizable rentals. The brand’s commitment to inclusivity, meticulous curation, and seamless integration of technology defines a new era where everyone can revel in the joy of donning luxury without the burden of ownership.
What inspired the luxury rental fashion studio in tri-city Punjab?
Roohdaar India was born out of a modest investment from my parents, initiating a small-scale fashion studio. As I took the reins, my vision aimed to challenge the misconception that rentals are only for those with financial constraints. I sought to revolutionize this perception, emphasizing that renting is a sustainable and inclusive choice. Roohdaar India’s collection showcases exquisite designer outfits, allowing individuals to experience the joy of wearing luxury without the burden of a one-time purchase.
How does your brand stand out from traditional fashion outlets?
Roohdaar India distinguishes itself by embracing diversity. Unlike traditional outlets, we offer a vast range of designer lehengas representing various cultures. Traditional outlets focus on buying, while Roohdaar India redefines the experience by allowing customization in rentals. This personalized touch ensures a unique, tailor-made experience while still enjoying the benefits of renting.
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