
Hospitality from Around the globe to Dubai

From the vibrant streets of Mumbai to the cosmopolitan allure of London, Mallorca, and Ibiza, Saurabh Tiwari, Area Director of Operations for the Middle East and General Manager at Taj Dubai shares his passion for hospitality, cultural adaptation, guest experiences, and sustainable practices.

What inspired your transition from the Indian hospitality scene to international destinations like London, Mallorca, and Ibiza?

Transitioning from the Indian hospitality scene to global destinations like London, Mallorca, and Ibiza stemmed from my desire to expand horizons and embrace diverse cultures. Having explored Mumbai, Delhi, and Jaipur, I sought new challenges and opportunities abroad. Each destination offers unique experiences, from London’s vibrant energy to Mallorca’s pristine beaches.

What challenges have you faced while adapting to diverse cultural environments in your career journey?

While adapting to diverse cultural environments in my career journey, communication barriers and understanding local customs were key challenges. Fortunately, speaking English and being fluent in Spanish eased communication hurdles. Adapting to dining customs, guest preferences, and respecting cultural sensitivities, such as during Ramadan in Dubai, required careful consideration.

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