
Sun Protection and Sunscreens

Shahnaz Husain

Exposure to the sun leads to sun tan, sun burn and many other effects. Apart from tanning, the skin is exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, which has several long-term effects, like early formation of lines and wrinkles on the skin. Sun-exposure can also lead to dark spots or patches.  

The skin must be protected with a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which provides protection from both UV-A and UV-B rays of the sun. What are UV rays? The sun gives off ultraviolet rays. We divide them into categories based on the wavelength. There are UV-A, UV- B and UV-C rays. Of these, UVC rays are almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer and do not affect the skin. UVB affects the outer layer of skin and is mainly responsible for sunburns. It is the most intense between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm when the sunlight is brightest. UVA rays were once thought to have a minor effect on skin damage, but now studies are showing that UVA is a major contributor to skin damage.

Sun exposure can also cause loss of moisture from the skin. However, most sunscreens have built-in moisturizers. So, it is not necessary to apply both moisturizer and sunscreen, unless the skin is very dry.

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